Thursday, December 9, 2010

week10 EOC: robert kearns vs.erin brockovich

I think that Roberts’s case hits people the most for the fact that it was his idea not the ford company. Robert came up with this idea that he knew it cost more then just the money offered to him. They had offered him money a couple of times to just drop the case and saddle with the cash. Erin brockovich had no job and in my point of view even though the stories or completely different, to me they have the same concept. She wanted to fight with the people that were losing their home. As well in this story the people were offered money and Erin told them to turn it down. Lawyers don’t care about what you feel about your case, they just care about making their money no matter what. That is why lawyers always tell you to just take the money and keep your mouth shut. In Erin’s case she knew that she can win more money because of the reputation of the company I guess, and with Robert he wanted justice for himself because it was HIS invasion not the big companies. The company also used the years of experience on their backs to win the case. Robert had none but was still determent to try and win his case. The feeling of both of this people after winning their cases most of felt reliving. That is because they felt like they helped make a change in life or just change in something that was important to them. I think that most people hear how much money they are being offered, stops them from the whole point of the suing the other person or people. Both movies made a good point about not stopping till you have your justice. Both fought till they got what they wanted.

week 10 EOC:10 lawyer jokes

What's the difference between female prosecutors and terrorists?
You can negotiate with terrorists.

How do you know when a lawyer is lying?
Her lips are moving.

What do you call 25 attorneys buried up to their chins in cement?
Not enough cement.

What do you throw to a drowning lawyer?
His partners.

Where can you find a good lawyer?
The nearest cemetery.